What are smudge sticks? A Beginners Guide To Smudging
So what are smudge sticks? And more importantly how do you use them? Join us for a look into smudging, types of smudge sticks and some example of using your intentions for cleansing.
Burning sacred herbs and resin incense has been practiced for centuries in spiritual and religious ceremonies worldwide.
The aromatic smoke is believed to help create a sacred atmosphere for meditation, prayer, and connection with higher powers. Many herbs and resins are renowned for their purifying properties. Burning incense can help cleanse spaces of negative energies, purify the mind, and promote emotional healing.
How to Get Ready for Smudging:
First, remember that smudging is a personal process. Trust your instincts, use your intuition and do what feels right for you.
I like to open all the windows before I start, so the smoke can carry away any bad or negative energy. You can move in either direction, clockwise or counterclockwise. Choose what feels right for you and your space. I usually go clockwise.
If you want, set an intention. This can be useful for spiritual work or getting rid of negative energies.
You can start with some intention setting ideas like:
Peace, Calm and balance
Cleansing negative energy
Healing, wellness and strength
Happiness, contentment and fulfillness
What You Need to Start Smudging:
A smudge stick of your choice. We have a wide variety of smudge sticks available at The Crescent Moon.
A ceramic dish to catch the ash.
A smudging feather wand. This is optional and a personal choice. They are used to fan and disperse the sacred smoke from your smudge stick.
The type of smudge stick you use is also a personal choice. There is a huge variety of smudge sticks available, made with various sacred herbs and plants. Many herbs have spiritual meanings and can be used for specific intentions.
Some of the most common smudge sticks are:
White Sage: Clears negative energies, raised vibrations,fresh beginnings.
Yerba Santa: Empowerment, purification, growth, heals emotional pain
Mugwort: Clears psychic energy, protection and healing, prophetic dreams
Dragons Blood: Productivity, Protection, Spell Potency
Lavender: Increase clairvoyance, psychic protection, tranquility
Rosemary: Protects against psychic attacks, mental clarity, purifies vibration
Juniper: Protects negative energy, promotes healing, invites abundance
Cedar: Cleanses the aura, attracts good spirits, eliminates negative energy
Palo Santo: Clears negative energy, purifies environment, brings good luck
Start Smudging:
To begin, light the end of your smudge stick until it’s burning well, then gently blow it out and let the smoke start to disperse. Using your own intuition or your own ritual, circle the smoke around yourself first, then continue through your house, sacred space and belongings to clear away negative energy with your set intention.
Collect any ash in your ceramic bowl as it burns. You may wish to add a small bed of sand to prevent your dish heating up. You can now either let your smudge continue to smoke or dab it out in the sand. Once finished make sure your smudge stick and ash are completely exstinguished. Some people like to let the smudge stick completely burn out signifying and end to the cleansing how ever once again it is a personal choice and any remaining smudge stick can absolutely be relit and used again.
** Just a quick note to be careful of inhaling smoke if you are asthmatic or suffer from any respiratory ailments, also be aware of any smoke alarms in your spaces.
For smokeless smudging there is a great variety of smudging room sprays available. Made with essential oils, crystals and herbs they provide an excellent alternative to smudge sticks.