Manifesting Magick: Daily Spells for Abundance and Happiness
Start your day off positively with a spell, affirmation, or manifestation. Take a moment to relax with deep breaths or a short meditation. Picture your goals clearly, then say a simple affirmation or chant that feels right to you. Focus on positivity, gratitude, and believing you deserve good things today. This helps align your intentions and boosts your mood, giving you energy for whatever the day brings. This does not have to be a long drawn out process as we all know how busy life can get, but just take a minute or two for yourself to think positive and set the tone for your day ahead.
We have compiled below, information on various magickal correspondences or known in the old earth based religions as Léabhar Draíochta. Take all the information or just a little, take what ever you need or none at all. Its up to you, your ritual, spell or manifestation is a personal journey and feel free to adapt any of the information into your own intentions.
Bíodh sé amhlaidh - Let it be.
In many magical traditions, including Wicca and various forms of paganism, each day of the week is associated with specific energies and correspondences. Here’s a brief overview of the magical meanings typically associated with each day of the week that can guide the types of spells performed:
Sunday: Associated with the Sun, ideal for spells related to success, abundance, prosperity, healing, vitality, and leadership.
Monday: Linked to the Moon, suitable for spells involving emotions, intuition, psychic abilities, dreams, fertility, and feminine energy.
Tuesday: Governed by Mars, used for spells focused on courage, strength, protection, conflict resolution, and taking action.
Wednesday: Associated with Mercury, conducive to spells for communication, intellect, learning, wisdom, divination, and travel.
Thursday: Ruled by Jupiter, appropriate for spells related to abundance, prosperity, luck, growth, legal matters, and expanding opportunities.
Friday: Aligned with Venus, ideal for spells concerning love, romance, relationships, beauty, pleasure, fertility, and artistic endeavors.
Saturday: Governed by Saturn, suitable for spells involving endings, transformation, protection, boundaries, discipline, and karmic work.
If you simply don't have time in the mornings, perhaps you have little ones or older kids to get to school you can certainly align another time of day for manifestation, affirmations or just a quick gratitude blessing. Below are some timings for magickal correspondences:
Sunrise is celebrated for its spells and affirmations that focus on new beginnings and welcoming fresh vitality and energy.
In magical workings, midday symbolizes a time of peak energy and clarity, making it ideal for rituals that need strong focus and effective results.
During the day is a perfect time for clarity and the ability to harness active thought and intention effectively in magical practices.
Spells and manifestations at sunset are for casting away negative energies or unwanted influences as the sun sets. This timing is chosen because sunset symbolizes closure and transition, enhancing the effectiveness of the ritual.
Night time:
Nighttime in spellcraft often signifies a period for introspection, dream work, and connecting with spiritual energies. It's considered ideal for rituals aimed at protection, divination, and personal transformation.
Magickal workings, manifestations and spells at midnight are powerful because it's the deepest part of the night when the boundary between our world and the spiritual realm is believed to be thinnest. People often perform rituals then for transformation, insight, and making big changes in their lives.
Candle magic harnesses the elemental power of fire to manifest and infuse intentions into the universe. Candle magick is a beginners way to incorporate magick into their daily rituals. Different colours have assigned magickal properties that can be used with your intentions when using candle magick.
Candle Colours:
RED: Passion, courage, strength, intense emotions, stamina, confidence, will power.
ORANGE: Energy, attraction, vitality, joy, celebration. stimulation
YELLOW: Intellect, inspiration, focus, wisdom, confidence, clarity, imagination, knowledge
GREEN: Abundance, wealth, growth, renewal, balance, money, success, luck, prosperity
BLUE: Communication, peace, truth, wisdom, forgiveness, protection, patience
PURPLE: Devotion, peace, wisdom, spirituality, knowledge, divination, heighten intuition
WHITE: Peace, purity, new beginnings, truth, protection, innocence, harmony, calm mind
BLACK: Protection, dignity, stabilty, repelling/ banishing, clearing unhealthy energy
SILVER: Psychic ability, intelligence, memory, wisdom
GOLD: Enlightenment, inner strength, success, self realization, understanding, intuition, manifesting
BROWN: Grounding, solidarity, endurance, strength
PINK: Spiritual healing, affection, friendship, unconditional love, romance, happiness, forgiveness, intimacy
Another convenient way to manifest is to create an amulet that you can carry on you during the day. Crystals and herbs can be placed in a small bag or pouch along with any other symbolic tokens you think are appropriate.
Selenite and Rosemary: Protection and cleansing
Rose Quartz and Rose: Love, self love, forgiveness
Amethyst and Chamomile: Sleep, tranquility, anxiety, stress relief
Labradorite and Lavender: Prophetic dreams, intuition, calming
Labradorite and Star Anise: Psychic development
Citrine and Bay Leaf: Manifestation, magick, psychic power
Carnelian and Cinnamon: Energising, Uplifting, Good Luck, creativity
Jade and Cinnamon: Success, good luck
Black Tourmaline and Sage: Protection, clears negativity, strength
Green Aventurine and Basil: Good luck, abundance, prosperity, love
Red Jasper and Mint: Luck, strength
Tiger eye and Mint: Luck, protection
Moonstone and Jasmine: confidence, feminie energy, tranquilty, positive energy
Pyrite and Cloves: Abundance, prosperity, wealth, good luck, positivity
Hematite and Lavender: Anxiety relief, strength, soothing
Sunstone and Lemon: Happiness, health, abundance
Aquamarine and Eucalyptus: Healing, calming
Clear Quartz and Sage: Purity, clarity
Black Obsidian and Thyme: Protection and grounding
Rainbow Moonstone and Patchouli Leaf: Magick, feminine energy, transformation
Amethyst and Blue Lotus Flower: Healing, Spiritual clarity, serenity
Blue Lace Agate and Passionflower: Peace, Calming, communication, insight
Green Aventurine and Cinnamon: Abundance, Prosperity, Vitality, good luck
Black Tourmaline and Elderberry Flower: Protection, Balance, Renewal
Peach Moonstone and Valerian Root: Relaxation, Healing, Emotional Balance
Rainbow Fluorite and Bay Leaf: Wisdom, Protection, Insight, Clarity
Petrified Wood and Cedar Leaf: Boundaries, strength, stability, grounding
Lepidolite and Chamomile: Calming, Healing, balance
Selenite and Yarrow Flower: Cleansing, spiritual alignment, purity
Rhodochrosite and Jasmine Flower: Love, healing, compassion
Carnelian and Rosemary: Creativity, vitality, protection
Labradorite and Mugwort: Intuition, magick, insight
Crystals can be placed strategically around your home to inspire and influence the energy in certain rooms and spaces.
Fluorite: Fluorite with its highly organised structure is known to calm chaos, promote a harmonious and balanced atmosphere, dispel negative energy and provide clarity. It is perfect to place near an entry way to your home to help absorb any negative influences entering your home.
Clear Quartz: Known as a master healer, clear quartz is often placed in central areas of the home such as the living room or entryway. It is believed to amplify and radiate energy throughout the space, promoting harmony and balance.
Amethyst: Known as the master healer and is associated with calming and promoting peace. It is often placed in bedrooms or meditation spaces to encourage relaxation and restful sleep.
Rose Quartz: It is well known as the stone of unconditional love and is often placed in bedrooms to enhance harmony and loving energy.
Black Tourmaline: A protective stone, black tourmaline is often placed near entryways or in the corners of rooms to absorb negative energy and create a protective barrier.
Selenite: Selenite is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is often placed in high-energy areas or near other crystals to keep them charged and cleansed.
Aventurine: Aventurine is a stone associated with luck and opportunity. It can be placed in different areas of the home depending on the type of luck you wish to attract. You can place in or next to herbs such as mint and basil that are also associated with luck, abundance and prosperity.
Labradorite: Labradorite is the stone of magic. It can be placed in areas where discussions take place as it clears obstacles, protects, and brings balance and clarity. It is an uplifting stone as well so having it in your main living area attracts joy, magick and energy into your space.
Celestite: Celestite is known for enhancing spiritual awareness and deepening meditation practices. Placing celestite crystals in your meditation room or sacred space can enable communication with higher realms, enhance intuition, and promote spiritual growth. Placing celestite on an altar can enhance spiritual connections.
Malachite: Malachite is often associated with the heart chakra and is believed to promote emotional balance, compassion, and healing. Placing malachite in the heart of your home, such as the living room or family room, can help support harmonious relationships and create a nurturing environment. (When using malachite crystals in your home, it's important to cleanse and recharge them regularly)
Look out for daily signs that can guide you spiritually and discover meaningful messages in everyday moments, like coincidences, symbols in nature, and intuitive feelings.
Bees: Bees are spiritual symbols representing industriousness, community, and the sweetness of life's rewards. They remind us to work diligently towards our goals while fostering harmony and cooperation with others.
Crows: Crows are often seen as spirit signs representing intelligence, adaptability, and transformation. They can also symbolize messages from the spiritual realm, wisdom, and guidance from ancestors or spirits.
Feathers: Feathers are commonly regarded as spirit signs symbolizing protection, guidance, and messages from the spiritual realm. They are often seen as reminders of angels, loved ones who have passed, or spiritual guides watching over us. Feathers can also signify a sense of peace, freedom, and connection to the divine.
Dragonflies: Dragonflies are spiritual symbols often associated with transformation, change, and adaptability. They are seen as messengers from the spiritual realm, bringing guidance and wisdom during times of transformation or personal growth. Dragonflies also symbolize agility, power, and the ability to overcome obstacles with grace and ease.
Butterflies: Butterflies are powerful symbols of transformation, renewal, and growth in many spiritual traditions. They represent a journey of personal metamorphosis and spiritual awakening. Seeing butterflies can signify a period of profound change, the emergence of a new phase in life.
Lady Beetles: Ladybugs, or lady beetles, are often considered symbols of good luck, protection, and prosperity in various cultures. They are believed to bring positive energy and blessings into one's life. Seeing a ladybug is often interpreted as a sign of good fortune or a reminder to stay optimistic during challenging times.
Four leaf clover: A four-leaf clover is a well-known symbol of good luck and prosperity. It is believed that finding a four-leaf clover brings good fortune and positive outcomes. Each leaf is said to represent something: the first is for faith, the second is for hope, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck itself.
Rainbows: Rainbows symbolize hope, promise, and renewal across cultures. They appear after rain showers when sunlight breaks through, creating a spectrum of colors in the sky: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This natural phenomenon is often interpreted as a message of blessings and protection, suggesting that difficult times are passing and better things are ahead. Rainbows connect us to higher realms and encourage optimism, reminding us to appreciate life's beauty and embrace diversity.
Eagles or Hawks: Eagles and Hawks are revered as spirit guides symbolizing strength, courage, and keen vision. They inspire us to rise above challenges and embrace opportunities with clarity and determination.
Repeated Numbers: Such as 11:11 which some interpret as a sign of alignment or a spiritual awakening.
New Moon: During this new moon, I set clear intentions for growth, abundance, and positive change in my life. I make space for new blessings to come.
Full Moon: I am open to receiving manifested abundance and blessings under the full moon
Release: I release all fear and embrace the infinite possibilities before me
Connection: I am connected to the divine source of love and light.
Trust: I trust in the wisdom of the universe to guide my path.
Worthiness: I am worthy of love, abundance, and happiness
Guidance: I am open to receiving divine guidance and wisdom
Forgiveness: I forgive myself and others, and I release all negativity
Gratitude: I am grateful for the blessings in my life, both big and small
Alignment: I am aligned with my highest purpose and live my life authentically
Positivity: I radiate positivity and attract positive experiences into my life
Taking a shower is cleansing and renewing, and the perfect place to set your intentions for the day. A few examples of daily affirmations could be:
1.With this water, I cleanse away all negativity. I am refreshed and ready to embrace the new day.
2. As I cleanse, I awaken. Energy flows through me, ready to seize the day.
3. In this moment, I set my intentions. I attract positivity and success throughout this day.
4.Blessings flow upon me, in this shower of light. I am grateful for this new day, full of promise and delight.
Morning spell:
As the sun rises, fill my day with boundless light.
Grant me strength and wisdom, all fears take flight.
With each breath, I welcome joy and peace
Let positivity and blessings never cease.
New Moon Spell:
Under the new moon's guiding light,
I set intentions clear and bright.
Manifesting dreams with grace,
Welcoming blessings to embrace.
Full Moon Spell:
Bathed in the full moon's gentle glow,
I release what no longer serves, letting it go.
Embracing abundance, love, and light,
Manifesting dreams, shining bright.
Protection Spell:
By elements of moon and sun,
Protect me until the day is done.
Surround me with your guiding light,
Keep me safe both day and night.
Good Luck Spell:
Turn away ill fortune's tide,
In its place, good luck abide.
Bad luck turn
Bad luck Flee
Only Good prosperity
Shall return to me.
Magick Spell:
With mystic spark and ancient lore,
Magic flows within me evermore.
Enchantments bright and spirits near,
Manifesting dreams for ever clear.
Renewal Spell:
Sweet whispers on the wind
Take forth for thee
The whispers of renewal
So mote it be.
Spell jars are a simple and effective alternative to full spell rituals. By combining symbolic items in a jar, they quickly focus intentions and are highly respected for their ability to manifest desires using specific ingredients that resonate your daily affirmations and manifestations.
Emotional Protection: Lemon balm, black tourmaline, bay leaf, rosemary, calendula, chamomile, smokey quartz.
Abundance: Aventurine, mint, cinnamon, basil, pyrite, coins
A good nights sleep: Howlite, lavender, valerian, chamomile, amethyst, lemon balm
Self Love: Lavender, rose petals, rose quartz, jasmine flowers, patchouli leaf
Clarity: Rosemary, cloves, cinnamon, sage, Amethyst, selenite
Negative energy: Black tourmaline, cloves, smokey quartz, bay leaf, cinnamon, angelica root
Feel free to experiment with your own spell jars, using your own intuition and herbs and crystals. You will be able to create an intention jar that can be placed around your home or even take it with you where ever you go.
Thank you for joining us and we hope you can find some useful information in our Manifesting Magick: Daily Spells for Abundance and Happiness. May these daily spells and affirmations ignite a path of prosperity and contentment in your life. Embrace the basic daily principles of magick within and watch as your positive intentions unfold with each new day.