How to make a smudge spray - room spray

How to Make a Smudge Spray - Room Spray

Smudge sprays with essential oils and crystals offer a smokeless way to refresh your space. They blend calming scents from essential oils with the positive energy of crystals to help clear away negativity and create a more balanced environment. They’re an easy and clean alternative to traditional smudging, cleansing your space without the smoke or mess.

Making your own smudging spray is quite simple. Just mix essential oils of your choice with water in a spray bottle, adding a few of your favorite crystal chips for extra energy. Shake well before use, and you’ve got a custom spray to refresh and cleanse your space. It’s an easy, cost-effective way to enjoy the benefits of room cleansing and best of all by of making your own smudge spray, you can infuse with your intentions and add the right ingredients for your space. You can make smudge sprays with moon water or distillied water.

Moon Water: Fill a large bowl with water, add clear quartz crystals and sprinkle with sea salt. Place the bowl in the moon light under either a full moon or a waxing moon cycle. Bottle your moon water for use in magickal workings, sprays and blessings.

Some smudge spray recipe ideas:

Lavender and Amethyst Smudge Spray:

1 cup of moon water or distilled water

1 tablespoon witch hazel

10 drops lavender essential oil

1 tablespoon amethyst chips


Palo Santo and Clear Quartz Smudge Spray:

1 cup of moon water or distilled water

1 tablespoon of witch hazel 

10 drops of palo santo essential oil

1 tablespoon clear quartz chips


Peppermint and Rose Quartz Smudge Spray:

1 cup of moon water or distilled water

1 tablespoon of witch hazel 

10 drops peppermint essential oil

1 tablespoon rose quartz chips


Eucalyptus and Citrine Smudge Spray:

1 cup of moon water or distilled water

1 tablespoon of witch hazel

10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

1 tablespoon of citrine chips


So there you go a few quick and simple recipes for making a smudge spray. Feel free to adjust the essential oil quantities to your preference and experiment with different crystals to find what works best for you!

Along with smudge sprays, homemade cleaning sprays are cost-effective and easy to make, allowing you to choose natural ingredients that suit your needs. They reduce exposure to harsh chemicals and are often more eco-friendly.

Some Other multipurpose homemade cleaning sprays you can make yourself for the home:

Glass Cleaner: 

1 part white vinegar

3 parts water

8-10 drops of essential citrus oils


Sticky Residue Cleaner:

1 part bicarb

1 part coconut oil


Laundry Soap:

1 cup castile soap

1 cup hot water

1/3 cup himalayan salt

1 cup bicarb

12 drops essential oils of your choice


Body Wash / Hand Wash:

1 part castile soap

1 part oil ( carrier oils such as jojoba, almond, olive, castor)

2 parts water

8-10 drops essential oil of your choice ( calming lavender, chamomile, uplifting try citrus or mint)


All purpose Cleaner:

1 part vinegar

1 part Bicarb

2 parts water

8 drops essential oil 


Floor Cleaner:

1/4 part white vinegar

1/4 cup castile soap

fill with warm water

1 cap eucalyptus oil


Dishwashing Liquid:

1 part castile soap

3 parts water

few drops essential oil


Toilet Cleaner:

1/3 part bicarb 

1/3 part castile soap

1/3 part citrus oil


Bug Spray: ( for mosquito's, midges and sand flies)

15 drops lavender 

10 drops lemon eucalyptus

10 drops Tea tree oil ( Australian )

6 drops peppermint oil

6 drops Clary sage

1/4 cup rubbing alcohol

1/4 cup vinegar










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