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St Johns Wort Sacred Herb 20gm

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St Johns Wort Sacred herb 20 gm

St. John's Wort is a well-known herb that many believe can keep away negative energy and spirits. You can hang it in your house or carry it in a medicine pouch for protection and courage. It is beneficial to burn as incense when you're cleaning your magical space and tools. It's thought to be especially powerful during midsummer rituals where traditionally it was hung above doorways for protection against evil. The Celts revered St Johns Wort and considered it a sacred sun herb.

Remember, they are only meant for incense and magical use. We, at no stage have the relevant information or experience to be recommending herbs for consumption or medical purposes. Please consult a thorough herb book or qualified herbalist for other uses, as some herbs, barks, berries and roots can be poisonous upon consumption.

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